Friday, February 25, 2011

Snowball races

You thought this was Rob's knitting blog, or maybe Rob's house blog. It has become the story of Rob missing the best snow of the decade.

I love the patterns the wind makes on the snow.

So how much more snow is that? Hard to tell...

Wasn't there a wood pile back there?

I'd say we got a good six inches of wind-polished snow. I thought I had cleaned off the Subaru - at least the solar panels are clear.

Wind sculpting at the top of the driveway.

Snowball races! When I dump snow over the edge of the driveway cliff, which chunk goes the farthest?

Right after I finished the driveway, I saw this black cloud to the NW.

Soon after, more snow (but it has stopped again for now).

1 comment:

JRudewick said...

Kate: We are following your snow adventures. Sorry that you are fighting the snow alone. It is hard, I know. But I am so grateful that Rob is here. I seem much more together than I would be if he were not here. He has helped me keep my mind focused on the things I need to do. I will get him back to you soon.
Love, Jane