Thursday, July 30, 2009

More insulation on the edges

One monster sledding hill, clearing for the tower:

Finish work continuing:

Insulation around the base of the house:


JRudewick said...

Okay... so how is that insulation done?? Being from the lower 48, I have never seen anything like that. Will it stay that width or will it be cut?? If it stays, how is it covered??? I look forward to the education.

Kate said...

It will stay that width and get covered with our native gravel. The whole building site is broken schist.

What's cold is the outside air in winter. The foot-thick walls are to prevent the heat from getting out the sides. This insulation is to prevent the heat from sneaking out through the concrete footer and then up. These guys run computer models to see how badly you can do with the wrong window frames even with triple-paned windows, etc.