Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Windows and Drywall

Windows are all installed with hardware. These windows literally rock!

Front view:

Tilt and turn window, feature A:

Tilt and turn window, feature B:

Let the drywall or sheetrocking begin!

Master bath:

Dining room windows and tilt and turn porch door:

Next: more drywall, oil, gas and water tanks. Insulation around the foundation of the house. Foundation for wind generator.


JRudewick said...

Wonderful Progress. Interestng windows. Your crew is moving with lightening speed. You have to be very excited.

Richard Hickey said...

Hey. I linked a couple of insulation pictures to my blog so that the poor folk of California can shudder at the thought of NEEDING that much insulation. :-)

Hope you and Kate are doing good. Take care and I can't wait to see you guys some time in the future.

The house looks wonderful.

