Saturday, September 7, 2013

View of fog

We got up this morning for our last Adopt-A-Highway pick up of the season. From our house, it was a lovely morning:
Above the fog
As you might guess, by the time we got to town, we were in the thick of it. It even started drizzling by the time we cleaned up our mile.

This afternoon I went by the dye garden to cut off the rest of the tansy. It goes to seed, dies, and becomes stiff stalks cluttering the bed if left alone. So I cut them all down today and left them on the grass for the botanical garden people to deal with.

On the Fiber Factor front, I'm resting this round out, but challenge five will be announced next week. Meanwhile, people have been asking me about notes for the challenge three sweater. I finally got them rounded up (with a few new photos) and you can download them from